Not much to be proud of here as far as photography goes but proud of myself for dragging my butt of the lounge to get out on another bike ride. Dad brought my bike back with the new cranks and pedals on Saturday but I don't deal well with neither heat nor humidity and I wasn't even going to ride this evening until my friend Jaime (check out her blog, She Will Have Her Way) asked how I was going with Map My Run's 30 miles in 30 days challenge.
As the site name suggests it's a runner's challenge but Map My Run is also great for planning and mapping walks and bike rides. (For the purpose of the 30miles in 30 days Challenge, Jaime recalled the correlation for a marathon to bike riding is 42:130km. 30miles = 48.28km so I figure the equivalent of 30miles running would be 149.44km, or 4.98km per day. Disclaimer: my maths is TERRIBLE so I could be completely WRONG, if so please do let me know!)
Today's ride was 11.39km so that leaves me 138.05km to pedal between now and 30 days from now (end date: 14 February. (Four weeks at 34.5125km per week = 3 rides per week of 11.5km, so I will have to revise my route a little, take more frequent shorter rides or maybe a couple of longer rides.)
Jaime introduced me to Map My Run on 8 January and I thought I could easily walk the 30miles in 30 days. I'd kind of put it out of my mind but have done two walks to a total of 14.52km, leaving 33.76km to walk before 6 February.
Canon EOS 400D
ISO 400
PS: Remember how I said today's photo was nothing to be proud of, far from ideal shooting conditions under our carport (flouro light) in the dark and let's just say my hands were not very stable, here are the first two shots I took by comparison (the photo I used for this post was taken with the camera balanced on bricks with my still very unsteady hand stablising it.)
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