Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Inconsistency is key...

Where can I find a hobby, career or other aspiration in which consistency is of little importance?

As you can readily see by reading my blog; consistency and inspiration to create are very low in my skill set at the moment. I haven't always been like this; I feel lost at the moment every time I think of something I would like to do I just as quickly think of a reason why I can't do it, or shouldn't do it.

Once upon a time in my younger life I wanted to be an electrician. Truth be told, I still do, I would LOVE to be an electrician. I've been thinking about it a lot. This evening I logged in to our local energy supplier (well, one of them, I guess) where 16 years ago I wanted to be accepted for an apprenticeship. At that stage I had started a pre-apprenticeship course sponsored by the State electrical contractor's association; a scholarship for the most part. I ended up dropping out. I was too weak and naive and when I had to take time off for knee surgery I listened to the TAFE teacher who said "you have had too much time off, you can't catch up." I just believed him, I have regretted it ever since.

To gain an electrical apprenticeship with any of the energy suppliers you have to pass an assessment process which includes a test of your general knowledge in relation to English, Maths and Science. Of course; I passed the English questions barely thinking about them, then I failed dismally the Maths and Science questions. Questions that 16 years ago I would've passed in a similar manner to how I passed the English ones this evening. All that sin, cos and tan! :o It's quite obvious that if you're not an electrician (or an engineer, surveyor, etc) these mathematical functions are simply NOT a part of daily life. Dare I say; in the work experience I did I never had to work them out either, they were done by the engineers or estimators, we (the contractors I worked with) never had to work out how much "stuff" to use, we just had to install it and make it work!

I will have to go to TAFE then; and do a certificate to refresh my maths and science skills. So I looked up a course, the one I'd most like to do is not available locally, of course! That sent me into a tail spin and made it all too hard for me to get my head around, which course to do, when to do it, etc. Aaargh!

I will have to go to the TAFE and get someone to tell me what I have to do; which obviously involves interacting with people. People scare me. I don't want to. I HAVE to get over this or I'm never going to get anywhere!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Better Options or Own Opinions

There should be better choices for women considering abortion.
- Tony Abbott

Really Tony, why don't you say what you really mean? That women considering abortion are making a bad choice and should not even consider it.

What are the options for a woman considering abortion? I can think of very few; having the baby, having the baby adopted or choosing the abortion. For the WOMAN clearly abortion is the best option (emotionally) if an unwanted pregnancy befalls her, whether by choice, health (hers or the babes), rape. That is not to say it's the easy option; for I don't believe at all that it is easy. However, I believe it would be easier than raising a child you resent, dying in childbirth (her health), reconciling with having a child only to lose it to a still birth or raising a child with physical or mental inabilities (it's health.) There is no easy option; other than abstaining in the first place, however not every pregnancy is the result of a choice to engage in intercourse.

Abortion is a valid legal choice, to be made by each woman as suits herself and her personal circumstances. Each person has their own moral compass, their own beliefs and values, these may affect a woman's choice as to whether to seek an abortion but noone has the right to force their own morals on another, especially one in a State sanctioned position. I personally believe that once I have conceived I am carrying a child. Foetus does not figure in my personal vocabulary, however I have no right to enforce those same beliefs on my neighbour who believes that life starts at 24weeks gestation or her neighbour who believes life commences at birth.

I'm thankful not to be a lawmaker in cases where personal circumstances, beliefs and values are so important. It's a tricky situation indeed; for if a babe is not consider live until birth a death in utero caused by misadventure, neglect, accident or abuse cannot be pursued criminally. 'Tis indeed one of life's most grey areas.

One thing is clear however, in my opinion, religion has no place in politics in a free country.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

100 Books...

Yes, it's that time of year again, Angus and Robertson's Top 100 Books for 2010 (as voted by the general public) was released recently (okay, nearly 8 weeks ago, I was a bit slow on the uptake.) Browsing through the list I realised quite quickly that many of the books are the same as the ones voted for last year and the year before... Other than by being stranded on a desert island with only the hundred books there is no way I could devour them all in a year, however, over two years, (discounting those I've already read and noting that quite a few will be repeated in the years to follow) I do believe that by the end of 2013 I could quite possibly have read the 100 books on the list that year. I just don't know if I could bare to read Harry Potter (at least there's only one of them on there this year) or the Twilight saga. :o Yes, you DID read those words. Maybe by 2013 they will have dropped of the list... wishful thinking?

Here's the list...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Three Little Quirks Went Out One Day...

Oops - that should've been quacks, or ducks more likely...

How many days does it take to form a habit? Some say 9, some 21, 30, I think I've even heard 40 mentioned. I am not good at routine so when it was suggested that I blog about three things I do every day I really struggled to think of three things I do EVERY day (other than eat, sleep and maintain hygiene!) Instead of writing about three things I do; I thought I could take inspiration from this challenge to encourage myself to take up a few good habits, things that I SHOULD do EVERY day but find myself lacking in motivation to do so.

I am sure I am well beyond the years when I should've started to maintain a daily skin care routine. I don't have one. I have (within the last couple of weeks) bought some new cleanser, defoliator and moisturiser. They were nice, I used them once. I probably should have used the cleanser and moisturiser 12 or so times by now and the exfoliator at least twice - not once! I am bad at keeping to a routine, however I am definitely worse at maintaining a routine.
Paloma Creme Advertising Card.
Courtesy of The Graphics Fairy

My mother's jaw would drop to the floor quicker than you could blink if she knew that I don't change my bed sheets every week like clockwork. She would LOVE to know that I have put towel and linen laundry on our new family chores roster once a week. It's there; in writing, I have to do it or the kids will want extra pocket money! (Kid Logic =  they lose money for not doing their chores so if I lose money for not doing mine it MUST go to them, right?) Alongside this determination to conform to proper linen laundering standards, it seems only fair that I should also MAKE my (our) bed every morning, doesn't it? Oh no, I (we) don't do that either and it generally doesn't bother us however it WOULD make the room look nicer, more welcoming if the bed were made and the pillows and cushions neatly arranged each morning.
Ornate Bed from an Antiques Catalogue
Courtesy of The Graphics Fairy

One thing that I learnt whilst in an intensive fitness/weight loss program a couple of years ago was that I really do need to eat properly. I often make the grievous dietary error of not eating any semblance of balanced foods. I often even err so far as to not eat breakfast; quite commonly breakfast is a cup of tea (or recently, even coffee.) My husband's most common catch phrase at the moment is "You need to start looking after yourself, you're an adult!" Due to a recurring knee injury my fitness maintenance has been reduced to a bare minimum; read, I often don't walk further than the letter box. Last week I started an intensive physio program and after one session my knee felt better, only marginally but definitely better. Therefore I should start (at least) to walk for at least a short distance each day. We have scheduled in our family planner three evenings a week to take a walk together, it's not just good for fitness but also a great chance to talk with the kids about anything and everything without a screen causing a diversion. I should also (on sunny days) take the wee babe to the park each day, or at least for a walk around the block, get out in the sunshine and enjoy the world around me.

Back to the topic...
Three things I WILL endeavour to do EVERY day:

  1. Get up each morning and wash and moisturise my face, repeat in the evening before going to bed, exfoliate every Sunday and Wednesday evening.
  2. Make my (our) bed and arrange the pillows and cushions invitingly each morning.
  3. Take better care of myself by eating breakfast (as well as lunch and dinner) and walking each day.
Eep! I guess that means I should start now! Or maybe tomorrow... :o