Sunday, August 15, 2010

Better Options or Own Opinions

There should be better choices for women considering abortion.
- Tony Abbott

Really Tony, why don't you say what you really mean? That women considering abortion are making a bad choice and should not even consider it.

What are the options for a woman considering abortion? I can think of very few; having the baby, having the baby adopted or choosing the abortion. For the WOMAN clearly abortion is the best option (emotionally) if an unwanted pregnancy befalls her, whether by choice, health (hers or the babes), rape. That is not to say it's the easy option; for I don't believe at all that it is easy. However, I believe it would be easier than raising a child you resent, dying in childbirth (her health), reconciling with having a child only to lose it to a still birth or raising a child with physical or mental inabilities (it's health.) There is no easy option; other than abstaining in the first place, however not every pregnancy is the result of a choice to engage in intercourse.

Abortion is a valid legal choice, to be made by each woman as suits herself and her personal circumstances. Each person has their own moral compass, their own beliefs and values, these may affect a woman's choice as to whether to seek an abortion but noone has the right to force their own morals on another, especially one in a State sanctioned position. I personally believe that once I have conceived I am carrying a child. Foetus does not figure in my personal vocabulary, however I have no right to enforce those same beliefs on my neighbour who believes that life starts at 24weeks gestation or her neighbour who believes life commences at birth.

I'm thankful not to be a lawmaker in cases where personal circumstances, beliefs and values are so important. It's a tricky situation indeed; for if a babe is not consider live until birth a death in utero caused by misadventure, neglect, accident or abuse cannot be pursued criminally. 'Tis indeed one of life's most grey areas.

One thing is clear however, in my opinion, religion has no place in politics in a free country.

1 comment:

  1. totally agree with you here Anita.
    although there should be better choices. The choice to transplant that baby into the womb of a woman that has tried for a baby for so long that she aches for it would be awesome! I wish that were possible. imagine the ethics around that one!

    anyway - enough dreaming, back to the point, Tony Abbott is a dickhead.
