Friday, October 22, 2010

What's in the Box?

I think one of the greatest Halloween games ever is the one where you have to put your hand into an enclosed box and try to guess what is concealed within.

Here are some ideas for what you can include in spooky, gross, Halloween guessing boxes.

  1. Dried Tongues (dried apricots)
  2. Stripped Veins (cold cooked angel hair spaghetti, only a few pieces)
  3. Eyeballs (lychees, if you buy them in a tin they're already peeled and ready to use)
  4. Skin (soft tortilla gently rubbed with oil)
  5. Teeth (dried corn kernels/feed corn)
  6. Brain (boiled whole small cabbage/cauliflower head)
  7. Dried Ears (dried apple slices)
  8. Worms (cooked and cooled, oiled spaghetti, add some parmessan cheese for "dirt" or real dirt if you like to give the effect of freshly dug worms. Alternatively use bait worms or oiled rubber bait worms.)
  9. Dried Fingers (dried meat; "twiggies" or thin sausages.)
  10. Maggots (cooked arborio rice in a small amount of cooking oil.)
More to come...

This list was inspired by
 H  A  L  L  O  W  E  E  N  

Kindest Wishes,

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