Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Beginnings

Oh hi, 'tis me! Looking a little like a drowned rat... This photo was actually taken today, albeit with the camera on my phone (impersonating a drowned rat + real camera = not a great combination.)

This afternoon, even though my legs are still aching from all the steps on our walk yesterday, I decided to stop making excuses and get out on my bike.

What a wonderful feeling, the wind against your skin, the freedom of being alone, being able to go wherever you please. I set off around the block first, to test out the bike, having never ridden it before and having not ridden a non-stationery bike since I was a child! Having successfully stayed on the bike that far I ventured further, along the river to the end of the road. There are gentle hills all along the way which were challenging but in a fun way. Just as I got to the end of the road, the right hand side pedal fell off my bike!

Could it be a sign? Am I not meant to ride? No, surely the sign would be when I started to walk/jog back home and it started raining. Then pouring, no problem, I'm only getting wet, right?! What about when it turned into a thunder storm? Was that a sign? Walking, saturated, holding a chunk of metal in a thunder storm; that's like asking to be struck by lightning isn't it? So I stopped under the freeway bridge, hoping to wait out the worst of the lightning activity, only as soon as I stepped out from the cover the lightning started again.

So, is it a sign? Walking home my broken bike, hoping not to be struck by lightning, wet to the bone?

I'm sure it is; it's a sign that good things don't come easy. It's a sign that I put off riding for way too long (the bike's been sitting in the shed for at least 10 months, possibly longer, if I'd ridden it sooner the pedal would've fallen off sooner and been replaced and I would've beat the weather today.) I didn't get struck by lighting; it's a sign of better and longer rides ahead. As soon as I can get a new pedal...

(I had wanted to go to the end of that road as there is a track along the river from there to a creek which runs down the mountains; there is a walk from a campsite about half an hour up the track, down to the river and back again. One day these school holidays I hope to make the trek up there with the children, if these days of unbearable heat or drenching rain ever cease!)

Nokia E63

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