Monday, October 18, 2010

BHG Live - Somewhat of a non-event

Yesterday afternoon we went to the Better Homes and Gardens Live event at Sydney Showground yesterday. Really; it was a glorified Home and Food Expo with occasional appearances from the tv presenters ('though not the host of the tv show!) Think Sydney RAS Easter Show dome exhibits without the arts and craft sections, far less fresh produce and a "steam mop", "magic sweeper" (according to the kids this is very much different to a "swivel sweeper" but I couldn't see it,) and "sham wow" or similar on every corner and my goodness, way less seating in the eating area than anyone could've imagined possible. We ate our lunch (bought from the cafe there) sitting on the floor near the cafe; along with several (maybe 40-50) other people in what seemed to be a kind of systematic dance for available floor space.

D had agreed to come along with me and the children on the basis that the advertising had stated that "children's activities" would be available. There was, of course, no mention of their being an extra cost for the children's activities. I'm sorry, but to have exhibitors charging people for children's activities (once we saw that it cost $5 PER CHILD to enter the petting farm we didn't bother with the cost of the face painting) just doesn't wit right with me. Having children's activities available is surely a big draw card for the organisers or such an event? I wouldn't mind at all paying a small price per cup for food for the petting zoo or a small cost for the face painting (and I'm talking about $1-$2 each) to cover the coast of materials plus a tip for the facilitators but more than that and I think that someone's pulling my leg... off, literally!

There's good and bad in everything though; the outside area featuring horticultural exhibits was like having a nursery full of specialists rather than your usual suburban "garden centre" where the staff know a little (or very little) about some of their stock. I bought some Lilium bulbs (Oriental and Christmas/November Lilies) a blueberry (for Dawson he LOVES them and let's face it, who wants to pay full price for blueberries?!) and a couple of bromeliads. We were lucky enough to be around when the Debco people were pulling apart their display and were gifted some basil, chives and (I think) oregano (D actually got those and they're in a bag that I haven't opened yet!) Some lovely little bonuses for my Kitchen Garden.

Food doesn't count for BNNM; does that include food plants? Can I stretch it to include plants? THey're kind of an investment right? *blush*

This list was inspired by could've been better Better Homes and Gardens.

Kindest Wishes,

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