We have a bindi problem here, well that would be an understatement, everything with prickles, barbs or thorns grows in our lawn and wouldn't you know it, very little real grass. I'm sure it would literally take me WEEKS to hand pull all the weeds and I'd only be left with dirt once I got into it, being too fussy to leave ugly grass! So I took the decision to use a weed and feed spray, last year. I never did though because it wouldn't spray properly, the hose nozzle kept bursting off it. Fortunately, Dad to the rescue, I learned that it was just because the "o" ring on the bottle spout was ruined, unfortunately Dad left it until after the effective period to tell me about this so the majority of the bottle has been sitting there waiting for me to use it. Herein lays the importance of the weather; you need to have very little wind or something to guard the rest of the plants in the yard that you do not want to kill. The other requirement of the weather is that it not rain for 7 days. Wouldn't you know it, every day since the beginning of spring has either been too windy or forecast to be shortly followed by rain. It's enough to make a girl cry, not to mention the kids standing on the bindis! I'm running out of time; soon the bindis will be all set in, the other weeds I can probably deal with but please, let me deal with the spikey ones the only sensible way possible!
Other things that needs to be taken care of in the garden:
- Plant vines; pumpkins and zucchini seedlings straight into the ground and (more) pumpkins, watermelon, spaghetti squash and button squash into pots to germinate.
- Plant Maiden Hair Ferns, Begonias (border) and Devil's Ivy (probably in a pot with a trellis to prevent it taking over) in fernery.
- Find something to plant under the pine trees in the front yard to prevent the "dust bowl" effect.
- Learn more about Cyclamen to try to get them to grow outdoors (I have one plant and 3 seedlings in punnets.)
- Transplant carrots from ex-vegie garden to box.
- Finish planting Primulas in round bowl (project started by R.)
- Plant Native Frangipani seeds in pots to germinate
- Plant out ex-vegie garden with gazanias, pig faces (maybe these should go under the pine trees?) and shrubs.
There's more to be done, there's definitely more however my mind is coming to a standstill with the end of the night and there will always be another "to do list" with a garden to maintain.
This list was inspired by Marcelene Cox who said:
Weather means more when you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans.Kindest Wishes, AJ
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