Friday, October 8, 2010

Under the Pines

Some plants I'm looking into growing under the pine trees...

Hydrangea: I actually have three hydrangeas in the front yard,
along the side fence, two are pink the other I've not seen in flower.
In any case they have not grown well where they are (probably
too much sun in the hottest part of the day) so I should move
them. A move to under the pine trees would mean blue flowers
(acidic soil) which would be nice but perhaps means I would
only move the one which I don't know the colour of the flowers
and move the other two further down the fence into a not so
sunny position.
Cliveas: I have three or four (possibly slightly more now)
Cliveas in my front garden which I could easily move.
Looking at these photos the colours of the cliveas and
hydrangeas together look great, I could be on to
something here!
Hibiscus also like acidic soil and there are a lot of them growing
locally so I'm sure I could grow some with no initial cash outlay,
great for BNNM. There are also a great range of colours to choose
from; pinks, reds, oranges and yellows that I recall from last
summer. Now is the time to take cuttings from them, before they
start to flower again. Once they are stabilised they will grow like
crazy, we had some at a previous home and I used to cut them
back to about 45-50cm high every autumn and they would be
as high as the 2m fence (and often taller) every summer.

This list was inspired by my cats, using the "dust bowl" as a toilet, definitely NOT a great look for the border of a front yard! :o

Furby, Juno and Freya (approx. March 2010)
Kindest Wishes, AJ

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