Sunday, October 3, 2010

Halloween Games... #1

I love Halloween; every year I think "We should have a big Halloween Party" sadly it never seems to happen. I don't know if it will happen this year but I've been thinking about it a lot already and most recently have been looking for some Halloween Games that we could play at our party. As we would be entertaining guests ranging from Djr's 18months old through to adults extremely organised games requiring teams and the like would be all together too hard for me to control. So, I'm looking for games (well, activities rather) which can be set up and people can do them as they wish.

Here's what I've found so far:

Pumpkin Bowling


  • Gather 3 small pumpkins, 10 clear soft drink bottles, white paint, permanent marker, gravel/sand/water, heavy cardboard.
  • Paint the bottles white and when dry draw ghost faces on them.
  • Add gravel/sand/water in the bottom of the bottles so they don't fall earlier than hit.
  • Mark pin positions on cardboard by tracing pins.

  • Set up the ghost pins (soft drink bottle) as for 10 pin bowling.
  • Use small pumpkins as bowling balls.
  • Play for fun only, score or set a goal to win a prize (for example, two strikes wins.)

Trick or Treat

  • Gather orange paper or card, Jack O'Lantern cut outs or templates, scissors, marker, bag or container to hold cards.
  • Cut out Jack O'Lantern shapes and write on the backs of them "Trick" or "Treat", make only a quarter of the cards "Treat" cards.
  • Make a list of "challenges" such as cackle like a witch, flap your wings like a bat, walk like Frankenstein, etc and write one challenge on the back of each "Trick" card.
  • Put all the cards in the bag or container.
  • Players take turns to draw a card, if they draw a "Trick" card they must complete the "challenge", if they complete the challenge they keep the card.
  • Players who draw a "Treat" card have a "free pass" towards getting a prize.
  • Players collect a set number of cards (3-5 depending on numbers) to claim a prize.
  • Alternative #1: (for 3-8 year old children) players receive a small prize for each challenge completed or "Treat" card drawn.
  • Alternative #2: (for 8-10 year old children) players receive a prize for each "Treat" card drawn. If a players draws a "Trick" card they must complete the challenge and draw again, continuing (in turn) to complete challenges until they draw a "Treat" card.

Treasure Bottles


  • Gather: clear bottle/jar with lid, approximately 20-30 small trinkets, fine bird seed or other "filler", funnel, scoop, craft glue, ribbon/cord, pens/pencils, paper.
  • Clean bottle/jar and ensure they are completely dry inside.
  • Write a list of all the trinkets you are inserting in the bottle (you can use Halloween toys, buttons, beads, charms, etc) so you can create a check list.
  • Using the funnel (if required) scoop some seed/filler into the bottle, add about five items then more seed continuing until all trinkets are added and the bottle is filled, leaving a space of about 5cm at the top. (You need to leave space to be able to shake and roll the contents of the bottle so you the trinkets can move to the top of the seed/filler.)
  • Use a small amount of glue around the thread of the bottle and cap the bottle. Take care not to shake the bottle until the glue has dried or the seeds/filler will get stuck inside the lid.
  • Print a list of all items in the bottle for checking. You can keep the check list separate to the bottle and have players write a list of every item they find or make player check lists where they can tick each item as they find it.
  • Tie check lists (or list paper) to the neck of the bottle, include a Halloween themed pen/pencil if you like.
  • Each Player takes turns searching the Treasure Bottle and marking/writing a list of all the items they find.
  • Each Player who finds all the trinkets in the bottle gets a prize OR the player/s who find/s the most trinkets wins a prize.
  • Alternative: Make smaller Treasure Bottles to give to each guest as party favours or make several numbered bottles for a larger party.

Apple Bobbing

How can you pass up the most traditional of all Halloween games?


  • Gather: enough apples for (at least) one for each player, a large, wide container to hold the apples, water.
  • Fill the container to about three quarters full with water and add apples.
  • Players take turns at kneeling by the container and "bobbing" to collect apples using their mouth/head only.
  • Alternative #1: Make Apple Bobbing more challenging by tying players hands behind their backs.
  • Alternative #2: For a further challenge blindfold players.

Skeleton Scavenger Hunt

  • Gather: skeleton parts template, card, scissors, marker pen.
  • Colour or mark skeleton parts in sets.
  • Cut skeleton parts into pieces for hiding.
  • Make guide boards (printed skeletons) for players to recreate completed skeletons as they find enough pieces.
  • Hide skeleton parts around the party area.
  • Players collect the pieces in their allocated set and race to rebuild their skeleton.

This list was inspired by
 H  A  L  L  O  W  E  E  N  

Kindest Wishes,

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