Saturday, October 23, 2010

What's in the Box? (Part 2)

The contents of your Halloween guessing box really are only limited by your imagination (or mine, if you're playing along!)

Here are some more ideas:
  1. Goblins Ears (dried pigs ears; can be bought from pet shops as dog treats.)
  2. Blood and Guts (canned, crushed tomatoes.)
  3. Bats Hearts (canned, peeled tomatoes, warmed lightly in the microwave.)
  4. Bloody Fingernails (uncleaned pumpkin seeds, they're a little bit slimey!)
  5. Plastic Spider/s (wouldn't it be great if you could get a battery operated spider to run around inside the box?!)
  6. Spiders Webs (the fake ones from a dollar shop or similar.)
  7. Witches Hair (corn silk, straight from the husks or an old wig.)
  8. Vomit (lightly warmed salsa.)
  9. Goblins Bones (cleaned and dried chicken bones.)
  10. Mummy Wrappings (wet, crinkly up and dry toilet paper, or an old pillowcase lightly starched.)

There must be more...

This list was inspired by
 H  A  L  L  O  W  E  E  N  

Kindest Wishes,

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